Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Several local businesses honored by the State for their efforts

Left to right:
Colby Baker, Social Services, Cindy Hayes, BOM, Angela Quick, DON, Rachel Snider, LCHC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor, Brittney Depuy, Activity Director, Becky Clark, MDS, JoEllen Anderson, Administrator, Anita Perry, IBCLC, LCHC

Several local businesses have been honored with a “Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite Award” through the Missouri Department of Health and the Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition.

The program is a collaboration to educate employers on the value of providing lactation support in the workplace and to recognize businesses that support their breastfeeding employees.

The award evaluates employers on criteria for three levels of support: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Businesses that meet one of the three levels will be recognized in their community and statewide.

North Central Missouri College in Trenton was awarded the Gold status due to lactation equipment they provide to students and staff, availability of resources, as well as their family friendly policies. Chillicothe Correctional Center was awarded the Silver award and is taking additional steps to achieve Gold status. Grand River Health Care was also awarded Silver Award and Livingston County Health Center was awarded Gold.

Letters have also been sent out to all local businesses so more can get recognition for having a lactation room or for offering support of breastfeeding patrons.

Employer support of breastfeeding provides many benefits to businesses:

·     Cost savings of $3 per $1 invested in nursing support
·     Reduced absenteeism to care for sick children because breastfed infants have less illness
·     Lower health care costs
·     Improved employee productivity with higher morale and greater employee loyalty
·     Increased ability to attract and retain valuable employees
·     Family-friendly image in the community

Women who return to work while continuing to breastfeed need the support of their employers. Their needs are simple: a safe, private and comfortable location at the worksite and the opportunity to pump two or three times during the work day. The Missouri “Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite Program” is available to help businesses in becoming a nursing friendly workplace by:

·     Identifying and setting up a suitable private room
·     Scheduling appropriate breaks for nursing employees
·     Reviewing written polices
If you would like to learn more about becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite or the requirements, please call 646-5506 and ask to speak to Rachel Snider, Breastfeeding Peer Counselor at the Health Center.

All services of the health center are provided on a non-discriminatory basis.

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