Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Health Center WIC Program Receives Loving Support Award of Excellence

Livingston County Health Center’s Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program is the recipient of a “Loving Support Award of Excellence” from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The award program was established to recognize local agencies that have provided exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support activities. 

Of a total of 90 WIC local agencies recognized across the country, sixteen are located in the Mountain Plains Region.  The four local agencies in Missouri awarded the Gold level are: Andrew County WIC, Dunklin County WIC, Livingston County WIC and Taney County WIC.

Only local agencies that have operated a peer counseling program for at least one year, as well as met the required core components related to breastfeeding, peer counseling and community partnerships were eligible.  

Peer counselors are mothers who have personal experience with breastfeeding and are trained to provide basic breastfeeding information and support to other mothers interested in breastfeeding.  They undergo training to provide mother-to-mother support in group settings and one-to-one counseling through telephone calls, texts or visits in the home, clinic or hospital.  Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are also available afterhours to support breastfeeding moms.   The Health Center’s WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is Amanda Kline.  She provides education through prenatal breastfeeding classes; support through a monthly group for moms; calls and texts to breastfeeding parents; rents breast pumps to moms going back to work; and encourages pregnant moms who want to try breastfeeding.

Peer Counselors have worked in the community to create Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces, many equipped with a pump and private room for nursing, held Normalizing Nursing in Public events at the Courthouse, hosted a Baby Shower for pregnant moms interested in breastfeeding and recruit moms for an annual breastfeeding support billboard on Washington Street.

The Health Center also employs an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Anita Perry, RN.   She is also available to assist families in their breastfeeding journey.   To reach either Amanda or Anita, call the Health Center at 646-5506.