Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Upcoming “Eight Pillars of Joy” Meditation Series

Livingston County Health Center is excited to announce an upcoming series “Eight Pillars of Joy” Meditation Series led by Cristina Clerico.  Classes will be held every Tuesday, beginning on Tuesday, September 4th at 5:30 p.m. in the Health Center classroom, located at 800 Adam Drive.   There will also be a daytime offering on Thursdays at Noon, beginning Thursday, September 6th.

A regular meditation practice can reduce stress, improve focus, stabilize emotions, promote physical health, and increase compassion towards others and ourselves. 

Eight Pillars of Joy is based on a meeting held between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dali Lama in 2015, where they one of the most important of conversations: how can we find joy, despite the suffering that is intrinsically bound to life?  Finding truth in many different fields, from psychology to theology to their own storied personal experiences, these two men agreed on a set of positive qualities that can help people experience joy not as a fleeting emotion, but as an enduring part of their lives. This meditation series strives to help find out what personality traits to cultivate within your own heart and mind by learning these 8 pillars of joy.

Cristina started meditating 30 years ago and has been teaching for more than ten.  She is thrilled that research now proves the many physical, emotional and mental benefits of mindfulness.

Take advantage of this interactive Mindful Mediation Series to add more wellness tools you can use to reduce stress, improve concentration and put you in better touch with yourself.  There is no cost to attend, and no registration necessary, just arrive at class.

For more information about the upcoming classes, please call 660-646-5506.

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